The Best Poster Contest

Take part in a contest for the best poster.
The first three winners will be awarded prizes and five honorable mentions will be granted.
Condition of participation in the contest is personal poster presentation at the time of the poster session.
Announcement of the Poster Session winner will be held on Oct 21, 2021 from 19:00.

Dr. Tasilo Prnka Prize for the authors under age of 33

Dr. Tasilo Prnka prize is open for authors of lectures under age of 33. 
The winner will be awarded prize and honorable mention will be granted.
Condition of participation in the contest is personal presentation on conference.
Announcement of the Dr. Tasilo Prnka prize will be held on Oct 22, 2021 from 12:45.

Winners of the Best Poster Contest - NANOCON 2021

Study of Molecular Single-Emmitters by Induced Stm Luminescence
Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, EU

Biodegradable Nanofibrous Materials for Fortification of Gastrointestinal Anastomoses
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic, EU

Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Gold Nanowires in the Microtubule Lumen
Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, EU

Honorable mentions

PAVELKA Ondřej Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, EU
FAIT Jan Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, EU
ŠEDAJOVÁ Veronika Palacký University Olomouc - CATRIN, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU 
PFEIFER Rene Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, EU
COJOCARU Florina Daniela Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, EU 


Winner of the Dr. Tasilo Prnka Award for the author of a lecture up to 33 years of age - NANOCON 2021

Constant Amplitude Driving of a Radio Frequency Excited Plasmonic Tunnel Junction
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, EU

Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin and Amino Acid Residues on ZnO Single-Crystal Facetes: Simulations and Microscopy
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, EU

Honorable mentions

SASITHARAN Kezia Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, EU
GAŇOVÁ Martina Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic, EU